
Satya has ceased publication. This website is maintained for informational purposes only.

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February 2000

Editorial: Anatomy of an Awakening by Catherine Clyne

Special Section: Anger, Humor and Advocacy: Answers to Satya’s Reader Questionnaire:

Some Ways to Face an Alienating World

By Carol J. Adams

The Politics of Taste
By Claudette Silver

Catapulting Beyond Cruelty
By Roberta Kalechofsky

Anger, Humor and Advocacy
By Matt Ball

Caring and Coping
By Angela Starks

Putting Two and Two Together
By Richard H. Schwartz

You’ve Gotta Have Faith
By Richard Mehmed

The Interconnectedness of Things
By Samantha Knowlden

Confessions of a Natural Born Optimist
By Marc Bekoff

Coping with the Protein Myth
By Jeff Lydon

Being Vegan—One Way to Tread Lightly
By Pulin Modi

Nothing That Can Get Away by Itself
By Linda Ostreicher

The Plate as a Springboard for Peace and Non-violence
By Bruce Friedrich

Raw Solutions
By Robert A. Miller

World Bank Versus World Health
By Neal D. Barnard

Twelve Millennial Mantras
By Marc Bekoff and Jane Goodall


Cover Artwork by Claudette Silver



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