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February 07

On the cover, clockwise from top:
Evance’s organic farm on Rusinga Island. Photo by Rachel Cernansky; One Hundred Dollars. © Thom Lang/CORBIS; Chickens. Kent Knudson/PhotoLink; Glaciers in Antartica. Photo: iStockPhoto; Fog over Masai Mara National Reserve. © DLILLC/Corbis; Yanar Mohammed burning a veil. Courtesy of Yanar Mohammed

Editorial: A Troubling Ambivalence
By Sangamithra Iyer

In Memoriam, Light and Life: Virgil Butler

Our Darkest Hour
The Satya Interview with Yanar Mohammed

A Rain of Stones
The Satya Interview with Soheila Vahdati Bana

The Silent Witness
By Kymberlie Adams Matthews

Yes, We Do
The Satya Interview with June Zeitlin

Ten Dollars Can Change the World
The Satya Interview with Adam M. Roberts

It’s a Dirty Ol’ World: But We’re Used to It
By Rachel Cernansky

Environmental Surrealism
Featured Artist: Michelle Waters

Put to the Test, Vegan is Best
The Satya Interview with Gidon Eshel

All in the Family
The Satya Interview with Christine Chávez

Harvesting Ethics
By Christine Morrissey

Breaking the Food Chains: Liberating the World Through the Power of Our Plate
By Lauren Ornelas

Homeland Security is Neither: Ecology, Justice and the Politics of Borders
By Lee Hall

Can’t a Guy Destroy a Slaughterhouse Without Being Called a “Terrorist”?
By Mark Hawthorne

Truthiness is Stranger Than Fiction: The Hidden Cost of Selling the Public on “Cage-Free” Eggs
By James LaVeck

We Like It!

Is Death Coming Home to Roost?
Book Review by Mark Hawthorne

Game Over
Book Review by Kevin Kjonaas

LOHV Scorecard

Bizarro by Dan Piraro






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